Ddid Decal Designs Plus Used to Be in Montclair

Конструкции used to и be used to

1. Образуйте отрицательные предложения, используя конструкции used to или be used to.

Пример:    He used to live in France. (Когда-то он жил во Франции.) – He didn't use to live in France.

        We are used to working at nights. (Мы привыкли работать по ночам.) – We aren't used to working at nights.

People used to make their own cheese and butter. (Бывало, люди готовили свой собственный сыр и масло.)

My sister used to wear jeans. (Когда-то моя сестра носила джинсы.)

I am used to rude neighbours. (Я привыкла к грубым соседям.)

Jill used to eat raw fish. (Бывало, Джилл ела сырую рыбу.)

Tom is used to cycling to school. (Том привык ездить в школу на велосипеде.)

2. Раскройте скобки, используя конструкцию used to, и напишите о том, что люди делали раньше, но не делают сейчас. Переведите предложения.

Ann … (buy) white bread, but now she buys brown bread.

Susan … (drink) black coffee, but now she drinks white.

Henry … (smoke) a pipe, but now he doesn't smoke at all.

My dad … (run) 5 km every day, but now he doesn't run.

My wife … (spend) much money on clothes, but now she spends it on travelling.

3. Раскройте скобки, поставив один из глаголов в форму Past Simple, а другой – с использованием конструкции used to.

Н-р:   He … (live) in New York before he … (enter) Oxford University. – He used to live in New York before he entered Oxford University. (Когда-то он жил в Нью-Йорке, пока не поступил в Оксфордский университет.)

I … (earn) enough money, but then I … (lose) my job.

Bob … (not like) football, but then he … (change) his mind.

My mum … (drive) a lot before she … (have) that accident.

This telephone … (work) well before my son … (drop) it.

Mary … (work) in a hotel, but then she … (get) married.

He … (play) basketball before he … (break) his leg.

4. Выберите верный вариант и переведите.

Jack … (used to/is used to) cooking for himself when he comes home from work.

I remember how we … (used to/are used to) listen to rock-n-roll music all the time.

Pam … (used to/is used to) spend hours in front of the mirror when she was a teenager.

They … (didn't use to/are not used to) eating Japanese food.

Our town … (used to/is used to) be an industrial centre.

My son … (didn't use to/isn't used to) going to bed so early.

We … (used to/are used to) meet him every day.

I … (didn't use to/am not used to) driving on the left.

5. Выберите из скобок подходящий оборот:

1) After his football match, Bob (would/used to) often come home exhausted.

2) You (would/used to) like him. – Yes, but now I hate him!

3) She (would/used to) live in London before the war, and then she moved to New York.

4) I remember we (would/used to) go fishing every morning when I was a child.

5) The children (would/used to) often help me make a cake. They still do sometimes.

6) He (would/used to) be a very good tennis player, until he broke his ankle.

7) My grandfather (would/used to) swim in the river. Unfortunately, now it's forbidden.

6. Выберите правильный ответ

1. Carol ……………to have long dark hair, didn't she?

a)      is used

b)      used

c)       would

2. I have never driven an automatic car before, but I am sure I will soon……………to it.

a)      get used

b)      be used

c)       used

3. When we were little, mum……………always read us a bedtime story.

a)      was used to

b)      would

c)       got used to

4. I am surprised you are not tired. I didn't know you……………to walking long distances.

a)      are used

b)      got used

c)       used

5. I remember Uncle Bob very well, because he……………always bring us some sweets.

a)      would

b)      was used

c)       used

6. 'How do you know that woman?' 'She ……………to work with me.'

a)      was used

b)      used

c)       is used

7. They……………to the cold.

a)      are used

b)      used

c)       would

8. I……………to getting up early and find it hard.

a)      will get used

b)      am not used

c)       was used

9. I……………to exercise often when I was younger.

a)      used

b)      will get used

c)       am used

10. My brother……………to travel a lot before he got married.

a)      didn't use

b)      used

c)       was used

11. Do you remember the things we……………to do when we were kids?

a)      used

b)      were used

c)       got used

12. Tom……………to using a computer, but now he enjoys it.

a)      isn't used

b)      will get used

c)       wasn't used



People didn't use to make their own cheese and butter.

My sister didn't use to wear jeans.

I'm not used to rude neighbours.

Jill didn't use to eat raw fish.

Tom isn't used to cycling to school.


used to buy (Раньше Анна покупала белый хлеб, но сейчас она покупает коричневый.)

used to drink (Сюзан раньше пила черный кофе, но теперь пьет кофе с молоком.)

used to smoke (Когда-то Генри курил сигару, но сейчас он вообще не курит.)

used to run (Раньше мой отец бегал по 5 км в день, а сейчас не бегает.)

used to spend (Моя жена раньше тратила много денег на одежду, но теперь тратит их на путешествия.)


used to earn – lost (Когда-то я зарабатывал достаточно денег, но затем потерял работу.)

didn't use to like – changed (Боб раньше не любил футбол, но потом он изменил свое мнение.)

used to drive – had (Моя мама раньше много водила машину, пока не попала в ту аварию.)

used to work – dropped (Этот телефон хорошо работал до того, как мой сын его уронил.)

used to work – got (Мэри раньше работала в отеле, но затем она вышла замуж.)

used to play – broke (Раньше он играл в баскетбол, пока не сломал ногу.)


is used to (Джек привык готовить самому себе, когда приходит с работы домой.)

used to (Я помню, как мы постоянно слушали рок-н-ролл.)

used to (Пэм часами сидела перед зеркалом, когда была подростком.)

are not used to (Они не привыкли к японской кухне.)

used to (Наш город был когда-то промышленным центром.)

isn't used to (Мой сын не привык ложиться спать так рано.)

used to (Раньше мы встречали его каждый день.)

am not used to (Я не привык ездить по левой стороне дороги.)


1) After his football match, Bob would often come home exhausted.

2) You used to like him. – Yes, but now I hate him!

3) She used to live in London before the war, and then she moved to New York.

4) I remember we used to go fishing every morning when I was a child.

5) The children would often help me make a cake. They still do sometimes.

6) He used to be a very good tennis player, until he broke his ankle.

7) My grandfather used to swim in the river. Unfortunately, now it's forbidden.

6. Carol used to have long dark hair, didn't she?

I have never driven an automatic car before, but I am sure I will soon get used to it.

When we were little, mum would always read us a bedtime story.

I am surprised you are not tired. I didn't know you are used to walking long distances.

I remember Uncle Bob very well, because he would always bring us some sweets.

'How do you know that woman?' 'She used to work with me.'

They are used to the cold.

I am not used to getting up early and find it hard.

I used to exercise often when I was younger.

My brother used to travel a lot before he got married.

Do you remember the things we used to do when we were kids?

Tom wasn't used to using a computer, but now he enjoys it.

Ddid Decal Designs Plus Used to Be in Montclair

Source: https://урок.рф/library/testovie_zadaniya_s_otvetami_konstruktcii_used_to_i__082415.html

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